Proclaiming God's Word through Expository Preaching
An auto expo displays cars while an art exhibition might highlight a collection of paintings.
Expository preaching puts the Word of God at the center; essentially a weekly “Bible-Expo.” The pastor begins by carefully studying the grammar, history, and context of a biblical passage. Although Pastors may have interesting stories and valuable experience, these only enter an expository sermon as they relate to and illustrate the point that God is making in His text. On Sunday, the Pastor has the joy of declaring, “Thus says the Lord” as he helps the modern audience understand how a passage of the Bible is properly interpreted and what difference it should make in our lives today. Rooted in our belief that God’s Word is the very fountain of wisdom and contains all that we desperately need for life and godliness, expository preaching should be accurate, applicable, and delivered with joyful conviction. |