Common Questions
What is it like to be a guest?
We know that being new is hard. We don't give name-tags, call attention to you, or ask you to say anything. We want you to feel at home.
What happens during a service?
Sunday Morning
10:30-11:45 am Our Sunday Morning worship service is the time when we put away the distractions of the week and focus on spiritual matters. The atmosphere is friendly and joyous. Prayers, Scripture reading, and singing are a part of every service. The Sermon lasts 30-40 minutes and is “expository” in nature. That means the speaker will preach from a section of God’s Word by clearly explaining its meaning, offering clear and practical application, and calling for change in response to the glory of God. You can listen to a past sermon here. Sunday Evening 6:00-7:00 pm This service is a more casual meeting of the church family to sing favorite hymns and hear a practical lesson from the Bible. Wednesday Growth Groups Various times and places Growth Groups meet for prayer, friendship, and mutual support. We would love to connect you to one of our groups where you can engage in discipleship on a personal level (childcare provided). Learn more here. What is the music like?
The Bible describes singing as a way to worship God and build one another up. At Fellowship, we sing a mix of old and new songs and hymns with various instruments accompanying the piano depending on the week (trumpet, flute, strings, choir, etc.), but the instrument meant to stand out the most is the human voice. We believe you will be encouraged as you hear the sound of many voices joining you in worshipping our God who is "worthy of all praise."
Do i need to bring a bible?
Our activities and events are centered around God’s Word, so you’ll be greatly helped by having a copy of Scripture. Bring any Bible you already have, or if you don’t have a Bible, we are happy to give you a copy for free! We also have Bibles (NKJV) stored in each pew for you to use any time you attend that are exactly the same as the one the Pastor preaches from.
What do you have for children?
Our children's programs are staffed by attentive volunteers who will help your child play and learn in a safe and fun environment.
Program times:
What Should I Wear?
Fellowship includes people from many walks of life; some come in business suits, others in casual wear
Will i be pressured to give money?
It costs nothing to attend our church. We take an offering during our Sunday Services to allow our members to contribute to God's Work. We encourage visitors to simply enjoy the music that is played during this portion of the service.
How Can i get involved?
Here are some of the many opportunities available:
Worship Schedule
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School; Bible Classes for all ages * 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service* 5:30 p.m. - Kids 4 Truth (Seasonal) 6:00 p.m. - Practical Bible Teaching *Nursery available Wednesday 7:00 PM - Growth Groups For special events, service details, and schedule changes, see our church calendar |